Sunday, December 24, 2006

La Mancha, Spain. Windmills Old and New.

La Mancha, Spain. Windmills.

Old windmills.  There are many, but they may well be merely preserved rather than fully depended upon. These are in La Mancha, area of Don Quixote. 

Modern windmills were not as intrusive as we expected, but we understand the extreme hazard to migrating birds.  The windfarms are huge. And, residents in the area may find the noise unacceptable.  .

Modern windmill farm, Spain.

Modern windmills:  These are on the road from Burgos toward Bilbao. Look closely. They make such sense, and are better for emissions than refineries. Issues remain about how to protect birds and the like, so we remain interested. See Netherlands Road Ways, windmills post.

For the variety of windmills in Europe, add the Polish style, many such windmills destroyed by the Nazis as part of systemic impoverishment, see post at Poland Road Ways, Windmills.

Windmill farm, on way to Pamplona, Spain

Taking pictures in the countries we visit is haphazard - secondary to our having a good time and learning history.

For a fine site for photographs, see

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